The new action of DYPA entitled: “Integrated Training and Employment Action for 15,000 unemployed, aged 25 to 45” was published in the Official Gazette.✔ The first chapter of the decision concerns the details of the training action for the unemployed:Object of the ProgramThe Public Employment Service will cooperate with the K.E.D.V.M. of the Greek Public Universities, as well as with the licensed K.D.V.M. that meet specific quality assurance criteria, which are specified in the invitation, for the provision of training programs to unemployed people aged 25-45, registered in the unemployment register of the Ministry of the Interior, in sectors of high demand, mainly for the development of green and digital skills in the context of the national effort to upgrade the knowledge, abilities and skills of Human Resources (upskilling) and their retraining (reskilling).2. The object of the new action of the DYPA is the provision of theoretical training services to unemployed people aged 25-45, registered in the unemployment register of the Ministry of the Interior, which leads to a certification of knowledge, abilities and skills.In particular, the services provided in the context of the new project include:a) Theoretical training program for unemployed persons registered in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. duration of 80 hours leading to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in thematic subjects of high demand in the labor market, as described in the relevant Public Call.b) Certification of the knowledge, abilities and skills that will be acquired in the context of the training program.The project concerns the training and certification for up to 15,000 unemployed people registered in the unemployment register of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. aged 25 to 45, through the provision of Vocational Training Programs and is going to focus on upgrading the skills of the beneficiaries (upskilling) and/or reskilling them with the method of modern and asynchronous distance education and lifelong education 80 hours. The training of the beneficiaries follows certification of the acquired knowledge and skills.The training will take place in thematic subjects, according to the priorities of the action for the development of skills of the population, in order to meet the objectives of the proposed reform of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0”.At the same time, the training aims to develop horizontal/soft skills (soft skills) or professional skills (hard skills). The profile of the candidate trainees who will be invited to apply for participation as well as the terms and conditions of their participation in the training programs will be specified in the Public Call.The project is to be implemented through the process of providing Training Vouchers to the prospective beneficiaries, who are selected through the Public Invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The project is implemented through the Registers of Training Providers of the K.E.Di.V.M. of HEIs and licensed K.D.V.M. and the Registry of Certification Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Training providers and certification bodies that are already included in the respective Registers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, may participate in this project, provided that they submit a relevant “Application” for their participation based on the invitations issued by the D.YPA.A, without requiring re-submission of supporting documents that have already been submitted and evaluated for their inclusion in the above registers, as long as these supporting documents remain valid. Providers must keep up-to-date the information they have submitted when joining the above Registers.The Training programs1. The implementation of the professional training programs will be carried out by applying blended learning methods, that is, with live and distance modern and asynchronous training, which will lead to certification of the acquired knowledge and skills.For distance education, a special digital learning platform is used, digital educational material appropriately adapted to this method and appropriate procedures for the evaluation and monitoring of the trainees implemented by each K.E.D.I.V.M. of A.E.I. or licensed K.D.V.M. This type of training is a flexible form of training, as there is no limitation of time and place. It is based on the principles of open education and serves the needs of personalized learning. In addition, the familiarization of the trainees with modern and asynchronous e-learning tools is ensured. At the same time, the live education ensures immediacy in teaching through the simultaneous presence in the classroom of the teacher and trainees and enhances the learning experience.Program implementation schedule – Budget1. The end of the physical object of the training and certification action for up to 15,000 unemployed people aged 25-45 is set for the first quarter (Q1) of 2024. The end of the financial object of the project is set for the first quarter (Q1) of 2025.The total budget of the training and certification project does not exceed the amount of twelve million six hundred thousand euros (€12,600,000.00).The cost per hour of training per trainee for the training providers is set at 4.5 euros, which includes the cost to cover the trainees’ insurance contributions, while for the trainees it is set at 5 euros.The cost of certification is set at 80 euros per trainee and is provided through a Certification Voucher after completing the Professional Training program.The project budget is 100% public expenditure and is financed by the Greece 2.0 Recovery and Resilience Fund. Any bank commissions are charged to the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. to KAE 0431.Beneficiaries – Register of BeneficiariesFor the participation of the beneficiaries in the Vocational Training programs, the D.Y.P.A. issues a Public Invitation, which is addressed to unemployed persons aged 25-45 registered in the register of the D.YPA.A. whom he invites to submit a relevant application for participation.For the implementation of this project, the process of providing Training Vouchers to the beneficiaries, who are selected through the above public invitation of the D.YP.A. in which the conditions for the implementation of this project are defined in detail.The right to participate in the action and therefore the right to submit a “Participation Application” has the unemployed, aged 25-45 registered in the Register of the Unemployed of the Ministry of the Interior.✔ The second chapter concerns the business grant program for the employment of 15,000 unemployed people, aged 25 to 45.The purpose of the program is the integration into employment of the beneficiaries who will complete the training action of the first chapter of the action, by applying their new skills .Action implementation schedule:PROJECT START 4th QUARTER 2023 PROJECT COMPLETION 4th QUARTER 2024 BeneficiariesBeneficiaries of the program are private companies and generally private sector employers who regularly carry out economic activity and are active in all regions of the country.GrantCOMPANIES WHO CHOOSE TO BE GRANTED BASED ON THE REGULATION (EC) YP NO.1407/2013 (L352) OF THE COMMISSION, FOR DE-MINIMIS AIDThe grant for the reimbursement of costs of the action amounts to an amount corresponding to a percentage of 80% to 100% of the unit cost scale depending on the age of the beneficiary (unit cost scale, according to document no. 15738/05-02-2021 of the Ministry of Health “Revision of the Unit Cost Scale Documentation Report of the Action “Grant Programs of businesses for the employment of the unemployed/NTHE (New Jobs)”, as amended and valid, based on which the unit cost per full-time job (25 insurance days) is 1,022 euros.).Specifically, the grant per job/beneficiary amounts to:i. at 100% of the unit cost for the recruitment of unemployed persons, registered in the register of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aged 25-30,ii. at 80% of the unit cost for hiring unemployed people aged 31-45. In accordance with the above, the subsidy amount of each beneficiary is determined on a monthly basis depending on their age, as follows:Category of unemployed Subsidy rate Monthly subsidy amount in euros Unemployed aged 25-30 100% 1,022 euros Unemployed aged 31-45 80 % 817.60 euros For each day of employment that falls short of twenty-five (25) days, the above monthly grant amount is reduced by 1/25.The maximum amount of grant that a single company can receive from this action cannot exceed the amount of €200,000 (or €100,000 when it operates in the road transport sector) in compliance with the accumulation conditions of Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 .In case of submission of applications for aid, in the context of this, by several or all of the companies that make up a single company and if, after cross-referencing the relevant applications, it is established that the total amount requested by the companies in question exceeds the maximum limits of this paragraph ., the amount of aid for each of them is reduced proportionally, based on the amount requested by each company, so that the total approved amount of aid per single company does not exceed the said limits. In the event that the upper limit is exceeded with the granting of new aid, no part of said aid may be subject to the benefit of Regulation 1407/2013.COMPANIES THAT CHOOSE TO BE SUBSIDIARY BASED ON ARTICLE 32 OF THE COMMISSION’S REGULATION NO. 651/2014 (L187) Grant Thegrantamount is defined as 50% of the beneficiary’s monthly salary and non-salary costs with a maximum of 1,000 and 800 euros per month and concerns recruitment of beneficiaries aged 25-30 years and 31-45 years, respectively.According to par. 2 of article 32 of the Civil Code, eligible costs are the salary costs and according to item 31 of article 2 of the Civil Code, “salary costs”, for the purposes of this article, means the total amount actually borne by the beneficiary of the aid in terms of related to the respective jobs, including gross earnings before taxes and mandatory contributions such as social security contributions.The compensations of the Christmas Gift, Easter Gift and Leave Allowance are an eligible expense of the action, and are included in the total maximum grant amount (i.e. 1,000 or 800 euros respectively) of the months in which they are paid.The grant is calculated for each month of full-time employment for employees and for daily wage earners up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) days of insurance.For each day of employment that falls short of twenty-five (25) days, the above monthly grant amount is reduced by 1/25.According to the above, the subsidy amount of each beneficiary is determined on a monthly basis, as follows:Category of unemployed Subsidy rate Monthly subsidy amount in euros Unemployed in a disadvantaged position and particularly disadvantaged, aged 25-30 years 50% 1,000 euros Unemployed in a disadvantaged position and particularly disadvantaged, aged 31-45 years 50% 800 eurosProcedure for submitting a funding applicationThe funding application is submitted electronically on the website of the Greek state, specifically, at the link: epikheirematike-drasterioteta/apaskholese-prosopikou/summetokhe-epikheireseon-ergodoton-se-programmata-katartises-anergonBusinesses that maintain branches and wish to hire people to work in them, submit a separate application for each branch, to the competent KPA2, if they have created the relevant passwords to the P.S. of the D.YPA, after contacting the competent KPA2 Service, before submitting the funding application.An application is submitted per head office and/or branch depending on the accumulation limits of the aid regime chosen by the company.In the case of businesses that choose to be subsidized based on article 32 of Regulation no. 651/2014 (L187) of the Commission, the cumulation check is carried out at the level of a related company (ie applicant and related companies according to Annex I of the GKAK).The stages of the funding application submission process are as follows: a. After the publication of this and the public call, companies wishing to join the action, submit an electronic application for funding.b. A necessary condition for the submission of the electronic financing application is for the company interested in the headquarters to enter the information system of the D.YP.A. with TAXISnet codes or, alternatively, to be registered as a user in the information system (portal) of the D.YPA.A. and have access codes to it (User Name and Password).